Thursday 14 March 2013

Nails of the day.. Favourites

Hi guys,

I thought I'd quickly share with you one of my favourite nail varnishes at the moment which is by Technic in a colour called Deep sea.

I bought it from a store I'd never noticed before in Hemel Hempstead (next time ill have to jot down the name) which sell all sorts of beauty products a lot cheaper than most other stores I visit. Unfortunately its to far for me to travel to on a weekly basis but I'll definitely be returning there soon as this little baby only cost me like £2!!! Bargain or what?

I also bought a blue sparkle varnish that went well with this one as I cant resist a bit of glitter :)
I'm really happy with the colour when its dried as well as I feel sometimes they don't quite match the bottle once its on your nails and fully dried. Its has a nice sized brush so you don't have to brush your nails a million times nor do you end up with more polish around your nail than on it! I think the only thing that bothers me really is that I found it takes a little longer to dry than most polishes which can be annoying if I'm in a rush and smudge them.

over all though I do LOVE this colour and its easy application and I'll be retuning soon to stock up on more colours :)

Sorry I couldn't find the sparkle one I bought to show you.

Let me know what you guys think of it and my post Thanks

Much Love May Xx

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovely - i've nominated you for a liebster award! My post will be up within the hour xxx x
